
Ethics and Corporate Governance


Ethics and Corporate Governance System

The ethics and corporate governance system of the Entities that make up the “SURA Investments” investment platform is based on a set of rules, principles and procedures that regulate the structure and operation of the governing bodies that make decisions within the organization, as well as individual behavior and the consistency of our actions with respect to the Corporate Principles, in order to achieve the common purpose of our companies: to create well-being and sustainable development for people, organizations and society.

Corporate Principles

Coherence is built through daily actions, we are all guarantors of corporate principles and we must set an example in our relations with stakeholders.

  • Fairness

    Understood as fair and balanced treatment in labor, commercial and/or civic relations. Equal treatment for all people, regardless of their social, economic, racial, sexual and gender conditions.

  • Respect

    Recognizing and accepting others as they are. Beyond the legal compliance with the rules and agreements made, the points of view, needs and opinions of the parties are taken into account.

  • Responsibility

    The unequivocal intention to comply with commitments, looking after the assets of both Grupo SURA and its stakeholders.

  • Transparency

    Grupo SURA's relationships are based on knowledge and access to information, within the limits of the law and business confidentiality.

PLAFT Guidelines

General guidelines for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

SURA Investments shall ensure that all employees of the entities that make up the platform have a high level of integrity, and that in the performance of their duties they apply the provisions established in the national and international regulations on risk prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

The Entities that make up the “SURA Investments” investment platform shall have their own policies, procedures and controls on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, in order to comply with both local regulatory provisions on the subject, as well as internal regulations.

In order to prevent, detect and report suspected transactions with resources of illicit origin, SURA Investments’ anti-money laundering policies are designed to reinforce the principle “Know your Client, Know your Supplier, Know your Collaborators and Know your Associates”, and reduce the risk that it could be used to carry out transactions with resources from illicit activities, and fully identify the persons who carry out financial transactions, based on documents from reliable and independent sources. Likewise, in support of the authorities against money laundering and financing of terrorism, policies, procedures and processes of Customer Due Diligence are established based on risk, from the contracting of services to the permanent follow-up of the operations performed, to prevent, detect and report acts or operations that may be carried out with resources of illicit origin or that could favor the financing of terrorism.

Our policies establish the necessary measures to comply with regulations and international agreements, mainly those adopted within the “Financial Action Task Force” (FATF) in the prevention of money laundering, to which the entities that make up the investment platform “SURA Investments” are adhered, thus, they constitute a means of consultation and ongoing training within the organization to mitigate the inherent and associated risks in the matter.

SURA Investments gives priority to the attention of the periodic training programs of its employees in the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, taking into account the laws in force in each country in this regard, as well as recent trends on the subject, should include, among other topics, how to detect unusual and suspicious transactions and how to report them, the roles and responsibilities defined and approved for the ML/TF/TFTPF Risk Prevention System, as well as the disciplinary, civil and tax consequences arising from their disregard. A record of the training and details of the participants must be kept.



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